sensory receptor

英 [ˈsensəri rɪˈseptə(r)] 美 [ˈsensəri rɪˈseptər]

网络  感受器; 感觉接受器; 感觉器; 感觉感受器; 感觉受器



  1. The Study of Thermosensitivity of Primary Sensory Neurons in Rat Dorsal Root Ganglion; Impact of olfactory nerve transection on the apoptosis of mice olfactory receptor neurons
  2. A sensory receptor that detects warmth. hot-wire respiratory flow transducer/ sensor
  3. Objective To study the modulating effect of sensory neuropeptide substance P ( SP) on gene expression of epidermal growth factor ( EGF), fibroblast growth factor-2 ( FGF-2) and EGF receptor ( EGFR), FGF receptor-1 ( FGFR-1) in granulation fibroblast.
  4. Nervous system transforms the information corning from the environment ( inside and outside) by way of the sensory devices ( including receptor, channel, sensory organ), and then transmit, integrate, memorize these information, and make the corresponding effector to react.
  5. Depending on different proportional distribution in the primary sensory neurons, opioid receptor activation increases or decreases the potassium current and inhibits the calcium channel.
  6. Immunohistochemical localization of SP receptor in the trigeminal sensory nuclei and SP-like immunoreactive terminals and SP receptor in the trigeminal ganglion of the rat
  7. Study on Nonlinear Dynamic Responsiveness of Primary Sensory Neuron and Cold Receptor



  1. an organ having nerve endings (in the skin or viscera or eye or ear or nose or mouth) that respond to stimulation

      Synonym:    sense organreceptor